
That sounds great, would be really good to have a selection of gazette examples to see what styles and layouts we like, and what would be best for the KH one. Also, would the KH poets be the exclusive writers?

I think it would be really good to have any local writing groups involved as well- would widen the interest and open it up. We could also publicise any upcoming events and workshops. Could past workshop leaders, submit poems? Event reviews?? don’t know how many pages or what budget restrictions are, so my imagination is running away! (working with local photographers, student photographers and artists for images??) In short, quarterly review, great idea, just need to know scope!


workshops and letter project ideas

Love Letter project

– Dean and I are currently working with the youth panel at the Museum of Transport, they are a great group and it would be brilliant if KHMG could come to the free workshop at the Museum of Transport on the 26th November, and we then could ask them work with us on the love letters project.

– The poets forum will be working with the Geffry museum next week, I think there was also a youth panel there too who worked on writing poems dedicated to museum exhibits.

– Would the loveletters be published in the Spring gazzette?? or in a separate publication.

– Would need a brief (obv handwritten in a letter!) to send to the museum group. What do we want the letters to focus on? We’d have to explain this by sending an example letter to the groups. Letters have an intimate and secretive feel to them- maybe our letters could be about a "secret" in the museum- be it a different perspective on an object, story from the past or about your personal connection to the museum? Either way, creatively put together.

– Maybe we could begin by each writing example letters on Keats House to these museum youth pannels?

General workshop programme – there are 3/4 areas of the calendar that have been identified as opps for workshops by KMHG.

February 2012 – Two writing workshops, one with Anjan Saha, and one of our own. These may take place in half term, or on a weekend day.

May 2012– Festival workshop – to be planned.

Does this leave January and April as the months for the two other workshops? Feel December is too soon and will be too packed…

Are we selling these workshops individually, or as a pack of three/four? What theme connects them?

3 themes for workshops: Jan/Feb??
1. Image Responses: illustrating poetry, using poetry to illustrate
a. working with artists, writers and illustrators: illustraters bring an image, writers bring a poem. there is a swap. Theme??
b. Possible focus on children’s literature
c. Using calligraphy to bring poems or stories alive
d. Responding to exhibitions in other museums and galleries: writers and artists use Keats house to create a piece of artwork/poem. swap. respond to artwork/poem.
e. CONTACTS: 1 lead artists, 1 lead poet. publicity contacts:
f. WHO TO PUBLICISE THIS TO: Art/English A-level/GCSE, Art Foundation students, Fashion students, museum groups, youth clubs, young writers magazines like Wordsmith??

2. Reclaimed Objects Feb??
a. Creating toys, puppets, household and fashion objects from abandoned and
recyclable goods
b. Possible written exercises on the transformation of objects
c. Collaborative mural or collage with donated objects and clothes
d. KH library as venue
e. Gaining access to lost and found collections, forming creative responses to them
f. CONTACTS: Laila knows art facilitators, toy maker, puppet maker, hat maker- all who use recycled and reclaimed objects

3. Recreating Poetry Formats: May??
a. Interactive poetry installations- mosaic poem, treasure hunt poems, exciting ways to
display poems
b. Reinterpreting formats and using them for poetry purposes: e.g. tube maps, WLTM
columns, adverts. Might needs graphics software?

– unfortunatly the Albany event has been canceled, I will keep a look out for other oppertunities…

see you very soon….


The Rumbling Gazette

Plans are beginning to rumble into life for some sort of ‘Quarterly Gazette’ which we will put together with our friends in the Keats House Poets Forum. At some point at the end of 2012 that group intends to launch an anthology with the support of the Keats House Museum, so we say why not start collating a bit of poetry now and printing it up quarterly so that people visiting the museum can have a sneaky preview of some good poetry? We’ll put it on the blog here too.

Our new downloadable audio trail – We Dream in Other People’s Houses

I’ve been reviewing the mp3s for the new edit of the downloadable audio trail that was produced with the Keats House Poet’s Forum. It’s political, poetical, funny, slightly weird in parts and inspiring. The files will be available to download soon, and you can pick up the map to go with it from here (when we finish writing it!). Once you have the files downloaded, and a copy of the accompanying plan, get yourself and your mp3 player to the garden of KH and dive into the world of dreaming in other people’s houses.


Minutes from our last meeting on 6 Oct

Minutes of our meeting on 6 Oct

 a)      Cake was eaten in celebration of National Poetry Day

 b)      We discussed upcoming workshop and project ideas

 Love Letter project

We want to have develop some sort of ongoing project idea leading to an event in February. Laila suggested we write ‘love letters’ to other museum youth panels. Paul S to identify contacts with other youth panels so the letter writing can begin!

 General workshop programme – there are 4 areas of the calendar that have been identified as opps for workshops by KMHG.

 November or December 2012. Ideas for workshop – Laila has developed a list of workshop ideas including art related work and also fashion themed work, which would be developed to reach out to students of art/fashion and explore F Brawne’s story in the house a bit more.

We also want to work on writing other than poetry

January 2012 – Event at Albany, all are invited to volunteer and help run workshops with Brownies! Laila co-ordinating

February 2012 – Two writing workshops, one with Anjan Saha, and one of our own. These may take place in half term, or on a weekend day.

May 2012– Festival workshop – to be planned.

 c)      Writing and reading. We want to pass our writing to each other and act as readers for each other. People should feel able to bring their writing to the meeting or to email it to each other before the meeting so we can discuss when we see each other.

 d)     Blog. We have started a blog. Here’s the link.

As you can see it is totally bare

We need people to write the ‘about’ section, and to begin to populate the blog.

We also need poems, observations, anything really, just to share with each other.